Monday, February 16, 2009

(1) Last night's episode of The L Word was one of the best ever -- or at the very least, one of the best in a loooong time. It was reminiscent of the episode from Season One where the rest of "the gang" plots to find out if Dana's crush (Lara) was really gay, first by sending Shane in who asks about "those juicy little figs." Last night was slick and funny and sexy and emotional -- exactly how this lezzie likes to spend her Sunday evening.

(2) Helena Peabody/Rachel Shelley is the sex. I mean, seriously.
Please click here when you're ready to cream your panties.

(3) Yesterday I took advantage of some VERY RARE alone time at my apartment -- I have a roommate, you see, who is always here with me...whom I love to bits. But yesterday he was helping a friend of mine paint her apartment and I got to have some naked time. Oh how I love naked time. (Let me preface this next part with the fact that I live in the ground level apartment facing the street.) I watched some lesbian porn on my computer and masturbated...for a long time. I hadn't realized the sun had gone down and that my blinds were open, meaning anyone walking passed could EASILY see inside my livingroom. Yah...that realization was a bit embarassing (and slightly exciting).

(4) The one I love disappeared yesterday. She told me to wait...told me she'd be right back...and then never returned. My heart broke a little bit.

Today's a new day.

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